4th Nobel Seminar
オブザーバーとして毎回参加の吉崎昴博士に加え、中国科学院のLiu Yu博士を迎え、クライオ技術に基づく元素分配のサイエンスを多角的に考察することに加えて、本会を通じて開発してきた極限下での物質中の元素の振る舞いを解明する手法を、人口に膾炙し普及させていくにはどうすれば良いか議論します。
・Nagasawa H. Trace element partition coefficient in ionic crystals. Science 152, 767-769 (1966). Link メモ
・Onuma N., Higuchi H., Wakita H., Nagasawa H. Trace element partition between two pyroxenes and the host lava. Earth Planet Sci Lett., 5, 47 (1968). Link
・Ringwood A.E. Some aspects of the minor element chemistry of lunar mare basalts. The Moon 12, 127–157 (1975). Link
・Shannon R.D. Revised effective ionic radii and systematic studies of interatomic distances in halides and chalcogenides. Acta Cryst. A32, 751 (1976). Link
・Matsui Y., Onuma N., Nagasawa H., Higuchi H. Banno S. Crystal structure control in trace element partition between crystal and magma. Bull. Soc. fr. Mineral. Cristallogr, 100, 315 (1977). Link
・Yurimoto H. Anion and cation partitioning between rock-forming mineral phases. Doctoral dissertation, Tsukuba U. (1984). Link
・Yurimoto H., Sueno S. Anion and cation partitioning between three pyroxenes, chrome spinel phenocrysts and the host boninite magma: an ion microprobe study. Geochem. J., 21, 85-104 (1987). Link
・Blundy J.D., Wood B.J. Prediction of crystal–melt partition coefficients from elastic moduli. Nature 372, 452–454 (1994). Link
・Blundy J.D., Wood B.J. Partitioning of trace elements between crystals and melts. Earth planet. sci. lettL, 210, 383-397 (2003). Link
・Hirose K., Shimizu N., Westrenen W.V., Fei Y. Trace element partitioning in Earth’s lower mantle and implications for geochemical consequences of partial melting at the core–mantle boundary. Phys. earth planet. inter., 146, 249-260 (2004). Link
・Corgne A., Liebske C., Wood B.J., Rubie D.C., Frost D.J. Silicate perovskite-melt partitioning of trace elements and geochemical signature of a deep perovskitic reservoir. Geochim. cosmochim. acta, 69, 485-496 (2005). Link
・Yoshizaki T. Composition and formation of the terrestrial planets. Doctoral dissertation, Tohoku U. (2021).Link
・McDonough W.F., Yoshizaki T. Terrestrial planet compositions controlled by accretion disk magnetic field. Prog Earth Planet Sci 8, 39 (2021). Link
・Yoshizaki, T., Ash, R.D., Lipella, M.D., Yokoyama, T., McDonough, W.F. Variable refractory lithophile element compositions of planetary building blocks: Insights from components of enstatite chondrites. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 308, 173-187 (2021). Link
・Yoshizaki, T., McDonough, W.F. Earth and Mars–Distinct inner solar system products. Chemie der Erde 125746-125746 (2021). Link
・Yoshizaki, T., McDonough, W.F. The composition of Mars. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 273, 137-162 (2020).Link
・海老原充, 元素の太陽系存在度と地球存在度, 地質ニュース (1984). Link
・Hirose, K., Wood, B. & Vočadlo, L. Light elements in the Earth’s core. Nat Rev Earth Environ (2021).Link
・Alexander, C.M.O’D. Quantitative models for the elemental and isotopic fractionations in chondrites: The carbonaceous chondrites. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 254, 277–309 (2019).Link
・Alexander, C.M.O’D. Quantitative models for the elemental and isotopic fractionations in the chondrites: The non-carbonaceous chondrites. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 254, 246–276 (2019).Link
・Shimizu N., Semet M., Allègre C.J. Geochemical applications of quantitative ion-microprobe analysis. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 42, 1321-1334 (1978). Link
・Shimizu N. Trace element incorporation into growing augite phenocryst. Nature 289, 575–577 (1981). Linkメモ
・Wood B.J., Banno S. Garnet-orthopyroxene and orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene relationships in simple and complex systems. Contr. Mineral. and Petrol. 42, 109–124 (1973). Link
・坂本直哉, 同位体顕微鏡で探る太陽系, 日立ハイテク Scientific Instrument News 6・2 (2021). Link
・坂本直哉, 二次元イオン検出器 SCAPS, 質量分析学会 検出器特集号 (2021). プレプリントLink
・Hasselkamp D. Kinetic Electron Emission from Solid Surfaces Under Ion Bombardment (1992). Link
場所:ルスツリゾートホテル&コンベンション アクセス
参加費:参加費 3万6千円(領収書出ます)